Saturday, July 14, 2007

Shirley is one of our mentors for DOUA. She always greets new students when they come into our training center. She remembers birthdays and has kind words for our members. Shirley also is very knowledgeable about glassware, postcards, pottery, China and doing research. She has made many contributions to our Research Library and is willing to lend a hand when someone needs to learn something quickly.

Shirley also has great rapport with many of our members. She is willing to call, chat or use her mic on IM messaging to help members with an issue where they need one on one help.

Shirley even took time out of her vacation to spend with a member at her home to help her learn how to crop photos, use ftp and work on her own website. Shirley's caring and concern are always evident when you visit the training center. She puts people at ease and put a smile on every one's face. She is a wonderful asset to the DOUA community.

She's a big fan of butterflies. Get to know her and you'll know why.

Her website Shirley's Delight and her eBay ID is perfectly named. She is a delight!