Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Coleman Never Met a Stranger

You see someone on the side of the road with a flat tire. A stranger in a store needs some help lifting a heavy item. Someone you've never met in person doesn't know what html is. What would you do?

If you're Coleman, you help. No questions, no doubt, no second thoughts. Everyone is a neighbor, friend, an equal. Coleman's heart is so big sometimes you wonder if he takes on all the burdens of the world. Maybe that's whay his body aches or his head hurts. But he keeps on plugging along.

Self-taught in computers and technology he's always there for someone just starting out or who has a question. Taught by his family to love the land, gardening, planting, his flowers and vegetables are well known not only in his town but online as well. He also shares his pickled veggies as gifts to DOUA members. Coleman also knows respect and care for everyone, people and animals. He'll go into a store for something. Tell his wife he'll be out in 5 minutes, but will start talking with "a friend he's never met" and be in there for 20 minutes.

His family is so very important to him too. He was raised right for sure. The love and care he has for his wife, children and the rest of his family is obvious in how he writes and talks about them, in how he puts them first and in how he can't stand to see or know of other families not getting along.

DOUA is a better place having Coleman as a mentor and a friend. He was never a stranger to us either!


Anonymous said...

Gosh...my very first experience in "blogosphere". We over at DOUA are soooo lucky to have Coleman in the mix. We all have the benefit of his computer know-how, and lots of life's lessons, nearly everyday.

Thank you, Coleman, for your warm generosity. You are appreciated by many!

Jennifer Sloane said...

OK this is my second blog ever and both are for Coleman!

We LOVE you at DOUA, Coleman!!!

No matter what you go through, you are always there for support and a good ol' conversation!

I want to add a huge sound effect here of applause!!!!!

Warm Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Coleman is the best!!! Don't know what we'd do without him. He's our hero. :)



Dinah said...

There is no greater thing then a friend, a brother, a person who opens up their heart to strangers, friends, family without reservations about anything.....if each person had in their life a person as our dear Coleman then the world would be a better place....for here is a man who is not afraid to be what he is...a gentle, loving soul who has blessed us all by being in our world......I only wish I could take the pain that Coleman deals with daily just so he could have relief for awhile.....but know dear special friend that I am always here for you and beside you during all the hard times...

warmly with love and true caring


Dinah said...

As always in times of sorrow we at DOUA are very supportive not in just the good times, but in times of hardships...Our dear Coleman has had his shoulders heavy ladened with just so much sadness within the past month that our hearts are heavy for and with him...but no matter how burdened Colemans shoulders are...he is always there with encouragement, a desire to be a constant giver of his expertise, his heart, his spirit....we are truly blessed with Coleman...as there are many good men in this world but there is only one man named Coleman...and again we are graced to have him amongst our family of DOUA.....we do love you dear Coleman....please take care of you dearest one.

warmly with DOUA love